Modern Vitamin Schedules and How They Work in Your Favor
Has your doctor told you that you should be eating more nutrients? Has it been suggested that you cut out carbs? Lower your sugar intake? And increase the amount of vitamins you take in every day? For picky eaters – or those who prefer the same types of meals – […]
Fall Factors and Your Biggest Seasonal Allergies

Throughout the fall, we are often reminded – in the harshest way possible – that fall allergies are still a thing. They cause our nose to run, our eyes to water, our throats to be scratchy, coughing round-the-clock, and so on. And most oftentimes, it’s taking place from the moment […]
Schools are Now Implementing the Standing Desk

If you haven’t yet heard of the standing desk, it’s been an ongoing change to offices everywhere. And it’s sweeping the nation, among health gurus and long-term sitters alike. It works by creating a workspace that one can stand at and reach properly. The keyboard, mouse, etc. are all within […]
Look Out for These Halloween Health Risks

In just a few short weeks, the streets will be filled with candy-seeking kids. Adults will be in costumes, residents are there to hand out treats, and business owners will parade smiling groups of kids. These and plenty more orange, spice-scented fall traditions will be taking place. All of which […]
What 8 Glasses of Water Can Do For You

Eight glasses can seem like a lot of water. Considering it’s an amount you’re supposed to drink every day, not just today – can make it seem like even more. So much so that people actually avoid consuming this much liquid. Claiming it causes too many trips to the restroom. […]
Substances That Dehydrate You Most in the Heat

The hotter it gets outside, the more liquid you need to ingest. You sweat at a much heavier rate (in order to help keep yourself cool), and it’s likely that you’re much thirstier as well. In order to replenish itself, the body lets you know it needs water in the […]
Back Support Belts

Six Back Support Belt Choices That Could Save Your Spine on The Street Or In The Dirt, But Which Is Best? by Scott Rousseau, photos by Dave Searle & Gina Ciolo Excerpt taken from Motorcycle Consumer News, March 2012. (click here to read full pdf here) There are hundreds of […]
10 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Learn About Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrome) too often dismissed as the newest fad disease. It was actually first described in 1816 by Dr. Balfour, a surgeon.More than half of all FMS patients undergo unnecessary surgery as a result of misdiagnosis.The Official Diagnosis (Copenhagen Declaration) defines FMS […]
A Better Way To Sleep

Simple Tips To Improve Your Sleep The quality of your sleep has a major impact on the quality of your life. During periods of rest and sleep your body attempts to counteract the everyday effects of stress and pain. Sleep charges your battery and rejuvenates you so you can participate […]
A Better Way To Sleep Part 2

How to Achieve Better Sleep – Part II by Dr.Scott Donkin May factors contribute to the quality of your sleep, including the foods you consume, your emotional state and the condition of your bedding. Diet: Eat balanced meals at regular times. Avoid caffeinated products after 3 p.m.. Coffee, tea, colas, […]
Back Health Questions

Common Questions Regarding Back Health Answers By Scott W. Donkin, D.C. Q.What is the best position for sleeping – back or front? I have minor back pain on occasion and am curious if sleeping on my front is any worse than sleeping on my back? It does not seem to […]
Back Pain Facts

by Amy Smith Fact:Nearly 80% of the population will be experience back pain at some point during their lives. Fact:Stretching can help you ease a sore back because it elongates muscle tissues, which in turn helps decompress the vertebrae, improve blood flow and increase the delivery of oxygen to the […]
Back Saving Tips For The Gardening Enthusiast

Prevent Back Problems While gardening by Sue Sarko As the glorious springtime season approaches, many of us begin to think about gardening. For some, gardening is one of the greatest pleasures life has to offer. Those of us who live in colder climates look forward to finally being outside, planting […]
Degenerative Cycle of Back Pain

Once a person has injured his back, it is very easy for him to slip into a degenerative cycle. Often times the person does not feel much like getting up and about, and yet in most cases, moderate exercise/activity can be the most helpful tool in recuperation. Here’s how it […]
Exercise Your Way Through The Work Day

Simple Exercise at Work There are many times throughout the day when you can counteract some of the tension and strain that build up while you work. Micro breaks are very important and can be used to effectively counteract tension buildup and fatigue in muscles and eyes. The break may […]
Good News For Allergy Sufferers

For All Allergy Sufferers – This is for You Pillows are a tremendous breeding ground for allergy-causing bacteria: lint, dander, mold, mildew and dust mites. In fact, researches estimates that 25% of the weight of a 1 year old feather pillow is made up of dust mites and dust mite […]
Help Sore Knees

Simple Exercises for Sore Knees by Sue Sarko The knee functions as a hinge for bending and straightening the leg, and allows us to twist and turn as we move. As such, it is highly vulnerable to injury, strain and overuse. Strengthening the muscles around the knee can help to […]
How Poor Back Support Contributes To Neck Aches and Strains

Avoid Poor back Support The single most common reason for neck pain is poor posture, while seated, resting, sleeping, etc.. Sitting for prolonged periods hunched over a computer, for example, can cause aches and pains, as can poor sleeping posture. Many people respond to stress by tensing up their neck […]
How To Prevent Lower Back Pain

Tips to Prevent Lower Back Pain Contributed by Dr. Steven M. Horwitz Approximately 80% of the population in the western world will experience low back pain during their lives. Low back pain represents the single greatest expenditure of health care resources in our society today. It results in millions of […]
How To Ride Safe – Protect Your Back While Biking

When Riding a Bike, Protect Your Back To reduce the risk of back strain, a bike must be set up properly for your body. Visit a bicycle shop where a professional can help you determine which bike is best for your frame. When purchasing a bike, there are four significant […]