Learn About Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Fibromyalgia discriminates against women. More women than men have FMS, but MPS (Myofascial Pain Syndrome) affects men and women in equal numbers
Fibromyalgia is a biochemical disorder. It is, among other things, a systemic neurotransmitter dysregulation with many biochemical causes. Neurotransmitters are the information highway between the body and the mind.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a neuromuscular condition. MPS happens because of mechanical failures. MPS patients have trigger points all over their bodies.
Myofascia is a thin, almost translucent film that wraps around muscle tissue and is the tissue that holds all the other parts together. It gives shape and supports all of the body’s muscles. It continues past the muscle and blends into the bone.
Trigger points occur primarily in the myofascia. When muscles are in a state of continued tension they cannot get the blood and oxygen they need, and so produce excess waste that can’t be removed. This creates an area in the myofascia starved for nutrition and oxygen, and loaded with toxic waste. This area is called a trigger point. Trigger points are toxic waste dumps. Trigger points cause muscle strength to become unreliable. Ever drop something unexpectedly or have a leg give way? That’s a trigger point at work.
Traumatic FMS can be caused by auto accidents, repetitive motion disorders or degenerating discs and may show up as tender points clustered around the damaged area in addition or instead of the 18 standard points.
The effects of low back pain from myofascial trigger points can be as bad or worse than low back pain caused by a herniated disc. Make sure your doctor knows about trigger points. Try to find a support group, as there are many others suffering with you.
Reprinted with permission from www.healthquestradio.com.
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